17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors
Attribute-based development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Prof. Bernhard Schick, Head of ADAS/AD Research, Hochschule Kempten;
Dr.-Ing. Florian Fuhr, Manager ADAS/HAD –Vehicle Dynamics and Application, Porsche AG;
Dr.-Ing. Manuel Hoefer, Field Manager ADAS/HAD –Vehicle Dynamics and Application – Lateral
Guidance, Porsche AG;
Prof. Dr. Peter E. Pfeffer, CEO and Head of Vehicle Dynamics/Steering MdynamiX AG
Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and Automated Driving are a megatrend in the automotive industry. The following questions arise: Will vehicle manufacturers still be able to differentiate themselves "brand-specifically" in the future or will all vehicles be perceived the same when being driven? How can a brand DNA be implemented and how can the transfer of "fun to drive" to "fun to be driven" be achieved? In order to reach this, clear driving characteristic goals – in front of the customer – should be defined and the requirements for vehicle systems and components shall be derived from this. However, what are driving characteristics in the context of assisted and automated driving and how can those specifically be achieved in the development? Porsche has addressed this question together with the University of Applied Sciences Kempten and MdynamiX. How can an attribute-based development look like and how can Porsche effectively design a brand-typical characteristic in this area?
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