30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Fahrzeugplattformen für zukünftige Mobilitätskonzepte – Konvergenz oder Divergenz von Architekturen?
C. Burkard, C. Harter, I. Olschewski, fka GmbH; L. Eckstein, ika, RWTH Aachen University
Future mobility implies diverse challenges for the underlying technical vehicle architecture. Due to the high technological variance, e.g. with regard to electrification concepts, different automation functions and levels or a wide range of vehicle concepts and use cases, approaches to reduce complexity must be implemented. The use of vehicle platforms and modular toolkits is an established approach to complexity reduction in the automotive industry. In this paper, technology platforms will be presented against the background of the requirements of future mobility and technological development trends. The discussion will focus on the question of the extent to which the high variance of future vehicle technologies will lead to a divergence of vehicle architectures or whether it is possible to leverage synergies in the basic architecture.
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