29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020

Uneingeschränkte saubere Mobilität – Emissionsmanagement für EU 7 und China 7 Antriebskonzepte


Rolf Brück, Ines Lienou L., Dr. Axel Schatz, Vitesco Technologies Emitec GmbH, Lohmar, Germany;
Dietmar Ellmer, Vitesco Technologies, Regensburg, Germany


Today's CO2-discussion and the calculations of CO2-emissions are based on tank-towheel consideration. This does, not take into account the emissions emitted in vehicle, battery, fuel, electricity production, and recycling. If these emissions were taken into consideration, i.e. a cradle-to-grave consideration, the comparison of different powertrains would be relativized, depending on the CO2-emissions of the powerplant mix. 
Utilizing this type of analysis, the different drive concepts can be objectively evaluated.  
The challenge for car manufacturers and suppliers is, that there are a variety of possible drive concepts that have an unclear future due to the limited tank-to-wheel consideration of CO2, politically motivated subsidies, and today's incomplete recognition of CO2 neutral synthetic fuels.

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