30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Anzeige von Reichweitenänderungen bei Elektro-LKW: HMI-Konzeptbewertung in einer Virtual Reality Simulatorstudie


A.-L. Köhler, P. Dautzenberg, P. Westerkamp, G. Voß, S. Ladwig, ika, RWTH Aachen University; F. Niehaus, Daimler Truck AG


To mitigate climate change and meet emission targets, battery electric vehicles can provide a key role especially in metropolitan areas. The BMWi funded project "Concept ELV²" ("Concept electric truck in heavy distribution traffic") aims to further develop technologies to electrify trucks. One aspect of the project is the development of an HMI, which creates a tangible added value for users under consideration of relevant display and operating options needed in a vehicle equipped with an electrified drivetrain. Following up on the HMI conceptualization based on an iterative development process, we tested an HMI to display range changes in electric trucks against an HMI with less salient features. We expected the HMI displaying salient range changes to perform better in terms of for example satisfaction and usability. Furthermore, when displaying the salient range change variant, we expected the driving performance to not differ in the condition with the system displaying less salient features. We conducted a user study in a Virtual Reality (VR) simulator of Daimler Trucks and tested N = 20 truck drivers in a within-subjects design....

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