32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Integration Simplification and TCO analysis of Fuel Cell Powertrains in Heavy-Duty Vehicle Applications


T. Chadeesingh, D. Lamb, B. Hibberd, B. Todd - Ballard Motive Solutions


This paper offers a comprehensive examination of the integration of fuel cell technology into the heavy-duty vehicle sector, positioning fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs) as synergistic solutions for achieving net-zero objectives. The paper underscores the substantial investments made by OEMs in developing alternative fuel, internal combustion engine-hybrid, and BEV platforms. While FCEV power systems exhibit performance parity with conventional powertrains, and for many heavy-duty vehicle applications they are the only practical zero-emission solution. The paper delves into the economic and technical barriers that have historically prevented wider FCEV adoption.

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