32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Blue Diesel and Gasoline – Solutions towards CO2 neutral mobility for existing and new vehicles with availability already today


T. Garbe, K. Michels, T. Lippmann - Volkswagen, A. Kollbeck, F. Balthasar J. Strunk - Shell Global Solutions GmbH, H.-P. Deeg, J. Villforth - Porsche AG, H. Krämer - Audi AG, M. Storch, D. Hartmann - Robert Bosch GmbH


For reaching future world-wide targets for CO2 neutral mobility in the passenger car sector, the introduction of battery electric vehicles powered with CO2 neutral electricity is of high importance. However, this measure may not be sufficient, since there remain significant CO2 emissions generated as well by the legacy vehicle fleet as by all actual and future vehicles equipped with ICEs. This issue can only be addressed via introduction of drop-in renewable fuels, which are fully compliant with current fuel standards (e.g. EN228 for gasoline or EN590 or EN 15940 for diesel) or with new standards e.g. for E20 gasoline grades standard. Drop-in renewable fuels, i.e. 2nd generation biofuels and efuels, can consist of renewable components blended into a conventional base fuel with renewable shares up to 100%. This approach allows a flexible rampup of renewable content that can be adjusted according to the availability of suitable renewable components in the respective markets.

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