17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors
Kinetosis in autonomous driving
Carsten Lecon, Carsten, Hochschule Aalen
Autonomous driving is a current research and development topic. Mostly, the focus is on the technical implementation including artificial intelligence. However, further aspects like ‘social and ethic aspects’, ‘legal aspects’ and ‘ergonomics and physiological requirements’ should be taken into consideration. The latter point includes the kinetosis (travel sickness), which is often neglected, but plays an import role in autonomous driving: While the car is driving autonomously, passengers in the car are often sitting sideways or backwards, which can cause travel sickness (= motion sickness).
This concerns persons in particular, who are usually sitting behind the steering wheel.This factor may even influence the buying behavior of the potential customer and could therefore be minimized by the developers of autonomous cars. Kinetosis could be one of the limiting factors of mobility concepts in the future.
The user in future autonomous cars will get information from different visual sources, especially from (traditional) monitors, but – probably – also by Augment Reality glasses or Head Mounted Displays (VR glasses) for a full immersion (virtual reality).
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