29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020

Entwicklung eines hocheffizienten Mager-Benzin-Verbrennungsmotors


Dr. Arun Solomon, Paul Battiston, General Motors Company, Warren, Michigan, USA


Engine and vehicle manufacturers are challenged to reduce fuel consumption and emissions under pressure from regulatory, economic and societal demands. A highefficiency gasoline engine that is flexible enough to stand-alone or as part of a hybrid electric solution is highly desirable. To this end, the development of a lean-gasoline engine operating in a spray-guided stratified-charge mode at light-load is described. Studies were conducted on a single-cylinder under warm steady-state operation and verified to perform satisfactorily under cold conditions as well boosted conditions. A cost-effective central-injection layout was architected with a multi-hole injector and a spark plug closely positioned to the injector spray. With a quiescent chamber as the baseline, the effect of swirl mixture motion direction was investigated through selective intake-valve deactivation. 

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