30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Multiphysikalische Auslegung und Analyse von elektrischen Fahrzeugen


W. Seeley, K. Illa, K. Voonna, F. Ross, Siemens Digital Industries Software; F. Bet, InDesA GmbH


It is expected that over the next 10 years the number of new xEV models will increase significantly and with that the need to design more efficient vehicle systems with higher range and lower cost. With increasingly stringent regulations on emissions, safety regulation and the need to design complex interdependent systems such as e-machines, battery packs, power electronics, radiators, engine surface, and exhaust system. It has become critical to model the drive-train in its entirety especially the thermal management system (TMS). In this paper we would like to address how simulation would assist in minimizing the research, analysis, and experiments to analyze the complete behavior of vehicle systems to include where there is a need for strongly coupled resolution of flow, heat transfer, electromagnetics, electrochemistry, aging and stress during operation to provide the best possible prediction to maintain the integrity.....

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