30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Die SYTECH-Motorenfamilie, Analyse, Tests, Marktanwendungen und Produktionsplanung


R. Tamba, G. Fountain, M. Kavarnos, J. Psonis, SYTECH; L. Yang, SYTECH Powertrain Technologies Co. Ltd.


SYTECH Powertrain Technologies (SYTECH) commissioned FEV to help develop a new family of modern opposed cylinder gasoline engines based on the Scotch Yoke Crankshaft connection principle, called the SYTECH Engine. The engine family consists of modular 2-cylinder units that are joined together to create a family of engines. Due to the engine construction, the engine can be constructed in even numbers of cylinders, i.e, 2 cylinders, 4 cylinders, 8 cylinders etc. With this approach, common engine parts and architecture can be employed to reduce engine cost and weight. This paper is focused on the SYTECH engine family, the analysis that has been conducted into improving the engine performance, the testing program used to prove the engine technology is durable, the technology employed to reduce the overall engine cost and the markets being targeted. The first engine in the Family, a 4 cylinder, 1.5 L, Normally Aspirated, opposed cylinder engine (S415NA) was designed, developed and successfully tested with....

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