30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Ultraschnelles Batterie laden für innerstädtische Lieferfahrzeuge
M. Bassett, J. Hall, MAHLE Powertrain Ltd.; P. Wilson, Allotrope Energy Ltd.
A novel Lithium Carbon battery cell technology, which combines the benefits of super capacitors with the energy storage capacity of lithium-ion cells, could revolutionise the way in which future battery electric vehicles are used and recharged. The use of such a technology to enable ultra-fast charging capable battery electric vehicles, with small battery packs, suited to frequent, short, journeys such as urban delivery applications has been investigated. This study examines the requirements for an urban delivery eMoped application and proposes the recharging hardware necessary to enable a fleet of eMopeds to be charged rapidly from a domestic power supply. The target charging rate will allow vehicles to recharge fully in just a few minutes, enabling an opportunistic charging strategy with frequent top-ups, eliminating the need for a large battery pack.
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