32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Development of an innovative Low Speed Sliding Rotary Vane Pump for Heavy duty Internal Combustion Engine cooling


F. Fatigati, University of L‘Aquila


In the present work an innovative pump for internal combustion engine cooling was conceived, designed built and tested based on the technology of the Sliding Rotary Vane Machines. Aim of the new proposal was the energy reduction for its driving, considering the low efficiency demonstrated by the more conventional centrifugal pumps when operated in real operating conditions (with a continuous speed, flow rate and pressure delivered variations). Thanks to a model based design of the pump validated by deep comparison between theoretical and experimental data, an optimum design of the pump was produced and a prototype was built, finalizing on it design choices which minimized the energy absorbed with a sensible reduction of the energy absorbed over a transient homologation cycle and a real driving.

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