30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Batterien der nächsten Generation für die Mobilität in Korea: technische Trends, Patentanmeldungen und rechtliche Fragen


S.-E. Kim, I.A. Kwon, Kim & Chang


While the market for lithium ion batteries (LIBs) for electric vehicles (EVs) has expanded at a remarkable rate, we expect LIBs will not be the final solution for powering EVs in view of their limited mileage, potential for fire hazards, and other limitations. The most promising candidate for the next generation of batteries for EVs is the solid state battery (SSB). However, there are many hurdles still to be overcome in order to successfully commercialize SSBs. Patent analysis can provide useful information regarding the technology plans of the major players in the battery field, including candidates for future generations of batteries besides SSBs. We also briefly discuss trade secrets and export control and unique aspects of Korean law and practice on legal issues, which are currently issues of great interest in the battery field.

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