30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Auslegung einer elektrischen Antriebsachse für den schweren Verteilerverkehr


R. Uerlich, S. Köller, L. Eckstein, ika, RWTH Aachen University; C. Westphahl, WZL, RWTH Aachen University


With the accelerating effort of electrifying vehicles, new challenges, e.g. regarding their powertrain concepts, arise due to a changed torque offer from e-machines. This results in new and innovative transmission layouts. Currently, especially for the truck segment, no state of the art transmission concept is established. To conquer the described challenge and demand for fast developments to increase the share of electric vehicles, mainly automatised, computer-based design methods are required. In Concept ELV², the aim is to develop an innovative e-axle for a 41-ton truck. The task is approached by a design method which is too big parts automatised to design a transmission concept. First, a transmission synthesis with internal evaluation loops and a rough gear design is developed to get an overview of all possible topologies. The next step is to choose one topology and design it more detailed, e.g. a shaft-bearing system and a housing draft. This is taken...

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