29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020
Der neue Volvo Miller-Motor für Mild-Hybrid
Dr. Daniel Dahl, Dr. Ayolt Helmantel, Fredrik Wemmert, Mats Morén, Staffan Rengmyr, Ali Sahraeian, Volvo Cars, Gothenburg, Sweden
To complete the VEP Gen3 petrol line-up, consisting of a 220 kW (HP) and a 184 kW (MP) version, Volvo has developed a 145 kW (LP) version with start of production 2021. The new engine shares the common base with the VEP MP engine but uses a Miller cycle.
The Miller concept in the new VEP LP engine includes increased compression ratio, a short intake valve opening duration, a new intake port and piston design together with a VGT turbo. The Miller concept together with the integrated exhaust manifold enables operation in the complete operating range of the engine without the need for fuel enrichment. The VGT turbo together with an improved intake camshaft phaser provides the same torque increase rate as the VEP MP engine. Due to the Miller cycle, the VEP LP engine shows significant fuel efficiency improvements in the complete engine map compared to the VEP MP engine.
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