29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020

Eine Werkzeugkette zur Identifikation emissionsrelevanter Fahrmanöver am Powertrain-in-the-Loop Prüfstand


Maximilian Dietrich, Andreas Vassilopoulos, BMW Group, Munich, Germany


Within the scope of this work, a toolchain for the application of design of experiments (DoE) to emissions measurements at the powertrain-in-the-loop test bed is described.  
Selected relevant parameters both within the real powertrain and the simulated vehicle and driver have been combined using DoE and the resulting test runs were executed automatically at the test bed. With a focus on nitrous oxide emissions, the obtained results are evaluated regarding reproducibility and application for further DoE modelling to determine the most relevant influences on the measured emissions.  
This approach offers a flexible development environment that is capable of identifying emission relevant driving maneuvers and powertrain setups at an early stage of development, therefore contributing to efficient and effective emission calibration.

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