17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors
Tool-based development of efficient automotive multi-core systems
Patrick Friederich, Alexander Zeeb, Vector Informatik GmbH
Due to increasing demands for computing power by upcoming applications, such as autonomous driving or Car2x, more and more multi-core processors finding their way into electronic control units of the automotive domain. This leads to a paradigm shift from sequential to parallel processing, which creates many challenges in the development of safety-critical embedded multi-core systems.
The appropriate deployment of software components on the available cores of the processor is crucial for a good system behavior, especially regarding response times. This paper proposes a tool-based visualization, analysis and validation of the configured AUTOSAR system, that assists in deployment evaluation and optimization. The fundamental prerequisite that enables deployment of software components on multi-core processors is the efficient provision of basic software services to application software on all processor cores. It is described, that this requirement can be met in particular by the master-satellite architecture.
The emerging complexity which results from the vast design space of embedded multicore systems shows, that efficient systems can only be developed by integrating specific tools into a toolchain and using suitable software platforms.
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