30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Wie man einen hochgenauen digitalen Zwilling baut – Intelligente Infrastruktur im Korridor für neue Mobilität - ACCorD
L. Kloeker, A. Kloeker, F. Thomsen, A. Erraji, L. Eckstein, ika, RWTH Aachen University
This paper gives an introduction to the findings of the public-funded research project Corridor for new Mobility Aachen – Düsseldorf (ACCorD). The aim of the project is to build a highly accurate digital twin on three different digital test fields in real road traffic between Aachen and Düsseldorf. The digital test fields and the digital twin are intended for testing and rolling out automated and connected driving functions under real conditions. They consist of an urban, a rural, and a highway section and are equipped with stationary intelligent infrastructure for digital traffic recording. The entire value chain from the construction of the infrastructure sensor test fields via data processing to the final product of the digital twin is presented in this paper.
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