30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Engineering Skills in zukünftigen R&D Organisationen


P. Glusk, A. Nase, D. Hußmann, D. Kapur, A. Pantaleo, FEV Consulting GmbH; M. Liccardo, Iveco; V. Zwicky, CNH Industrial


The European on-road commercial vehicle industry faces several challenges. New regulations (CO2, emissions, safety) force OEMs to introduce new technologies in the short term. Competition is highly dynamic, customer demands are changing, and products become digital and service-oriented. The entire product portfolio undergoes a significant change in terms of product content. The resulting pressure on today’s R&D organizations is high, not only in terms of capacity demand and workload, but specifically with regards to required engineering skills. Iveco and FEV Consulting jointly developed an “Engineering Skills Program” to enforce and align Iveco’s development entities to future needs. The approach and selected key results are reflected in the following chapters.

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