30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Effiziente Warnsysteme: Auswirkungen der Nähe von akustischen Warnhinweisen auf das Fahrverhalten
J. Hogema, TNO
In the context of optimizing driver information and warning strategies, we conducted a study aimed at decreasing driver reaction time by warning the driver in a more efficient way. Initially focusing on forward collision situations, we tested the effects of the proximity of an audio warning (i.e., in terms of speaker distance from the driver). The hypothesis is that audio warnings presented nearby a driver (in the peripersonal space) will yield shorter reaction times than audio warnings presented further away. We conducted a driving simulator study, using a distracting secondary task and sudden braking maneuvers of a lead car. This was combined with audio collision warnings from either a nearby loudspeaker, or a loudspeaker further away. Results showed that the nearby audio warning yields better results (specifically, faster responses) then the far audio warning.
Mitglieder des Österreichischen Vereins für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik haben Zugriff auf alle Vorträge der Internationalen Wiener Motorensymposien.