29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020

Dual Mode EHRS + EGR: Eine Schlüsseltechnologie zur Kraftstoffeinsparung in Hybridarchitekturen


Xurxo Pérez, Iago González, Dr. Xoán Hermida, Marta Lagüela, David Lago, Jorge Teniente, BorgWarner Turbo, Emissions and Thermal Systems, Vigo, Spain;
Steve Myers, BorgWarner Propulsion Technical Center, Detroit, USA


Exhaust Heat Recovery System (EHRS) is one of the technologies used for reduction of CO2 levels, not only in traditional combustion engines but specially in xHEV architectures. The fact that EHRS enhances a quick warm-up and thus a rapid change towards efficient engine regimes and, on top of all, helps to reduce the combustion engine usage are two of the main reasons why EHRS is a trend towards achieving worldwide CO2 regulations.

Also in terms of CO2 reduction technologies, Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) plays a major role within the field as it combines the possibility of achieving stoichiometric mixture in a larger area of the engine map, as well as reducing BSFC due to improved combustion phasing within the part load area.


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