30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility
Sicherheit der Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion von Level 2 Systemen: Entwicklung eines funktionalen Bewertungsansatzes
A. Wiggerich, Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BASt)
Safety assessments of Human-Machine-Interaction (HMI) in consumer protection or type approval are usually performed indirectly by design requirements or checklists. However, assessing safety directly by observing real user interaction might provide several advantages. Hence, a standardized test and assessment procedure for performance-based HMI safety assessments of Level 2 (L2) systems focusing on observable user behavior is proposed. An initial validation was performed with two different L2 systems. In total, 40 naive participants experienced interaction with one L2 system on a test track for approx. 30 minutes. At the end of the test drive, an accident-prone system limit situation without a prior system-initiated warning was triggered. Results indicate that the test procedure is able to detect and assess safety differences in HMI design of L2 systems without substantial limitations in reliability or validity.
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