29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020

Service Innovation „Mobile Ladeinfrastruktur“ – Bedarfsgerechte Ladelösungen für nutzerorientierte Elektromobilität!


Dr. Sven Gräbener, Martin Schnackig, Fabian Crome, Phong Nguyen, Dominik Staudenmaier, consulting4drive GmbH, Berlin, Germany


Limited electric vehicle charging innovations and insufficient coverage are resulting in disappointed customers and less conversion toward electromobility. Flexible alternatives to stationary charging infrastructure have a great potential to improve the overall charging experience and therefore speed up the e-mobility roll-out. This paper investigates mobile charging solutions, services and corresponding business models as beneficial supplements and ways to improve the e-mobility ecosystem. Accordingly, consulting4drive developed an approach to generate ideas and business models targeting this specific area. As results, two out of a multitude of new business innovations identified are presented as exemplary outputs of the approach.

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