17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors
Functional architecture and E/E-architecture – A challenge for the automotive industry
Dr. Detlef Zerfowski, ETAS GmbH, Vice President, Security & Vehicle Run Time Environment;
Dr. Andreas Lock, Robert Bosch GmbH, Vice President, Systems Engineering E/E Architecture
In upcoming years, the complexity of vehicle function systems will dramatically increase. This increase will have a significant impact on efforts for development, release and maintenance. Especially the domains of Autonomous Driving (AD) and connectivity will drive the increase of functionality. On top, the connectivity requires special focus in cross-ECU cyber security, which will even go beyond vehicle boundaries. Therefore cyber security becomes a new and important architectural driver.
Today’s domain centric E/E architectures cannot cover the requirements of new features in future vehicles in an efficient manner. Centralization and integration become main strategies keeping complexity and cost impacts under control. The trend towards centralized E/E architectures will affect remaining decentralized ECUs in two ways. Within the vehicle architecture, these ECUs will consolidate in a domain oriented (evolutionary) or a zone oriented (revolutionary) manner.
Future E/E architectures will carry massively increasing amount of software from different sources (3rd Party, different Tier 1 and different application domains, OEMs). With this approach, OEMs consider above-mentioned domain ECUs as their own core domain.
The centralization on few high performance vehicle computer (VC) requires a shift to new software technologies in the automotive domain. For example, service oriented approaches and architectures based on industry standards from non-automotive industries are required and used.
These trends and changes in the E/E architecture influence OEMs and Tier 1 to change their organizational structures including corresponding competences. For this reason, automotive companies invest in their software capabilities and software organizations, setting up appropriate software ecosystems (and partnerships) and keeping control across the new value chains starting from basic SW and middleware up to applications. Corresponding changes are already visible with several OEMs and Tier 1.
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