29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020

Referenzpfadgenerierung und Kartenabgleich für die Darstellung der Regelung der lateralen Fahrzeugführung


Robert Gonschorek, Dr.-Ing. Eckehard Münch, ZF Friedrichshafen AG, Düsseldorf, Germany;
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Prof. h.c. Dr. h.c. Torsten Bertram, TU Dortmund University, Institute of Control Theory and Systems Engineering, Dortmund, Germany


The availability of a reliable piloted driving environment is crucial for the development of automated and cooperative lateral vehicle guidance control functions tightly integrated with the Electric Power Steering or Steer-By-Wire Steering controls. This contribution presents an advanced method for spline-based reference track generation and map matching. The approach optimally fits a piece-wise polynomial function to offline recorded GPS track data. Thereby a smooth curve representation of the reference track is obtained. Using the analytical model of the track, a spline-based map matching algorithm is developed, which performs an online optimization to search for the minimum distance between vehicle and track. At the minimum distance point, exact computations of the lateral error, heading angle error, and reference track curvature are performed. The resulting control error signals are optimal at any point in time and thus excellently suited as input for lateral vehicle guidance control. Simulation analyses and vehicle tests confirm the effectiveness of the approach.

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