29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020
UNICARagil – Wo wir stehen und was noch kommt
Timo Woopen, M.Sc.; Raphael van Kempen, M.Sc., Torben Böddeker, M.Sc., Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lutz Eckstein, Institute for Automotive Engineering (ika), RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
In 2018, the German research project UNICARagil started as a collaboration between eight universities and eight industrial partners. Within four years, the project will develop disruptive modular architectures for agile automated vehicle concepts and present four fully automated and driverless vehicle prototypes. This paper gives a general mid-term overview on the project status and the first results. It introduces the different research domains addressed within the project. This paper does not contain any unpublished research and only summarizes the current project status.
Mitglieder des Österreichischen Vereins für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik haben Zugriff auf alle Vorträge der Internationalen Wiener Motorensymposien.