17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors

Further optimization of NOx emissions under the EU 6d regulation


Dr.-Ing. Michael Krüger, Dr.-Ing. Stefan Bareiss, Dr.-Ing. Andreas Kufferath, Dipl.-Ing. Dirk Naber, Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Ruff, Dr.-Ing. Herbert Schumacher, Robert Bosch GmbH, Powertrain Solutions




The first stage of the regulations on real-driving emissions (RDE) became effective in Europe in September 2017. Since then compliance with the EU6d_temp stage has been required in order obtain a type approval. Due to the broad-based use of particulate filters the residual emissions from diesel cars represent only a very small share of inner-city particulate-matter air pollution. For this reason, further development activities on diesel powertrains are now geared towards effectively limiting nitrogen-oxide emissions.
For several years Robert Bosch GmbH has been conducting comprehensive studies in order to support OEMs in meeting the emission targets by defining technical measures that will further reduce real-driving emissions. Since 2015 /1/ respective progress reports were presented at the previous FKFS conferences in 2016 and 2017 /2, 3/. In 2018 we reported on a milestone achievement: the average nitrogen-oxide emissions obtained in road measurements compliant with the EU regulation amounted to a mere 13 mg/km, /4, 5/.
Serving our corporate motto "Invented for Life" we will keep up the efforts to reduce emissions beyond the level already reached. The studies covered in this report focus on the possibilities to identify and analyze remaining driving modes where reaching low tailpipe emissions may be demanding. In this context measures that will further reduce emissions will be described.
This paper will show that it is possible to further reduce vehicle emissions and thus lower the overall emission level reached so far. The measures required for this purpose include hardware modifications as well as an optimization of ECU functions and calibration.
As these studies had not been finalized when this paper was written, some of the following results are preliminary ones that may be updated during the oral presentation.

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