30. Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility

Integration eines Betriebsmodusmanagements in UNICARagils Automotive Service Oriented Architecture


I. Jatzkowski, T. Stolte, M. Maurer, TU Braunschweig; M. Buchholz, K. Dietmayer, Ulm University; A. Kampmann, B. Alrifaee, RWTH Aachen


Automated vehicles require a central decision unit in order to coordinate the responsibility for the driving task between multiple operating modes. Additionally, other non-driving related tasks such as operation of an automatic door system must be coordinated as well. In this paper, we will motivate the usefulness of such a central decision unit at the example of the operating mode management of the UNICARagil project. We will describe its integration with UNICARagil’s Automotive Service-oriented Software Architecture and how modularity of this service-oriented software architecture is ensured. An example from the project’s context will further illustrate the functioning principle of the operating mode management in combination with the service orchestration of the Automotive Service-oriented Software Architecture.

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