17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors

Air intake temperature cooling thanks to pressure wave action and adapted air intake geometry


Vincent Raimbault, Jérôme Migaud, MANN+HUMMEL France S.A.S;
Stéphane Guilain, RENAULT GROUP;
David Chalet, Ecole Centrale de Nantes LHEEA/TSM;
Michael Bargende, FKFS/IVK, Universität Stuttgart




As powertrain electrification gains popularity, gasoline engines must work to keep up with new performance demands and strict emission regulations. As such, a new gasoline engine must be engineered for high performance and high efficiency, as well as for acceptable CO2 levels and the European Union’s Real Driving Emission (RDE). To maintain this tradeoff, for new GTDI engines, lambda 1 upstream of the 3 way catalyst needs to be ensured. Thus, a new method of cooling the exhaust components needs to be found at full load without fuel enrichment. A solution was explored using a combined action between pressure waves occurring at inlet valves, and the air intake geometry. In the past, a focus on pressure wave’s action to increase the air amount inside cylinder was developed, and the air temperature was ignored. This research investigates the pressure wave action as a method to reduce the air temperature at inlet valve closing with
associated gas expansion. Even if it could reduce the pressure accordingly to the gas laws, this can be compensated by controlling the waste gate. Among other concepts such as early intake valve closing, water injection, and low pressure EGR, this new approach does not require any complex control strategy. Design, system simulation, and engine tests have been conducted to prove the concept, quantify the benefit, and integrate it in a real engine compartment.

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