17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors
Investigation of interactions between fuels and fuel leading components of plug-inhybrid electric vehicles
Dipl.-Ing. Sebastian Feldhoff, Simon Eiden MSc, Oel-Waerme-Institut gGmbH (OWI), An-Institut der RWTH Aachen;
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Jens Staufenbiel, Dipl.-Chem. Anja Singer, Technologietransferzentrum Automotive der Hochschule Coburg (TAC), Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg
Sustainable energy supply in all consumption segments especially in the transport sector requires the gradual substitution of fossil fuels with renewable fuels. By 2020, 10% of transport related final energy consumption is to be covered by renewable energies; for the entire energy sector, a share of 20% renewables has been set as a binding community target for all EU states.
Middle distillates such as diesel fuel play a key role in achieving these goals in the transport sector, as combustion engines will also dominate drive technology in the medium term. In order to achieve the targets set, a further expansion of the hybrid vehicle market (PHEV: Plug-In-Hybrid Electric Vehicle) is also being driven forward with political will. Longer, purely electrical operating periods are to be expected, especially when PHEV are used in urban areas. This results in considerably longer storage times for the fuel in the vehicle tank than is currently the case.
Within the scope of this project, the behavior of multicomponent fuels in the fuel supply system as a function of the prevailing operating conditions is investigated. The analysis according to DIN EN 228 (gasoline fuels) or DIN EN 590 (diesel fuels) can only be used to estimate the expected long-term behavior. It is not possible to predict the formation of aging products or whether operational disturbances will occur in the technical application. For this reason, the long-term fuel storage project will be supplemented by the storage of vehicle components. The components were filled with the fuels to be tested before storage, so that an interaction of the test fuels with the components can take place. During storage, fuel analyses and functional tests of the components
are carried out periodically.
For fuel storage, 17 diesel fuels and 14 gasoline fuels from the regions of Europe, North America and China were selected. The present interim results relate to fuel storage (diesel fuels) and functional tests of diesel-CR-injectors after four months of storage. During storage, significant thermooxidative fuel degradation was observed. This was detected using the standardized methods using both PetroOxy and Rancimat. The functional tests of these injectors provided mixed results. After the storage period of four months, some injectors showed higher or lower injection quantities compared to the tests prior to storage. However, these deviations only occurred at a full-load or full-load-like operating point.
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