17. Tagung - Der Arbeitsprozess des Verbrennungsmotors
Requirements & evaluation of friction information for the integration in vehicle systems
M. Eng. Sebastian Staiger, M. Eng. Siamak Nosrat Nezami, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG;
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dieter Schramm, Lehrstuhl für Mechatronik, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Increasing levels of automation in driver assistance systems (DAS) require safeguarding the steer and brake intervention in order to further prevent accidents. Special attention must be given to the interaction between tires and road surface. The friction coefficient between road (μ) and tires has a significant impact on driving performance and safety. A very high percentage of the accidents happen in wet, snowy or icy road conditions. Therefore, a substantial challenge for the development of new DAS is the environmental and road condition detection, which was so far detected, interpreted and transferred to a driving command by the driver. For future DAS like the highway pilot, the car must detect the road condition with respect to the road surface, as well as the occurrence of an intermediate medium, in order to be able to react to possible scenarios such as rain, snow or icy road conditions. The integration of the corresponding friction coefficient into driving assistance opens the possibility to prevent critical driving situations as a precautionary measure. Due to various approaches, such as the estimation method with sensor fusion the current friction coefficient of the road can be determined during the drive. Before a partially autonomous or autonomous intervention of the vehicle is possible, the methods and the resulting friction coefficient have to be evaluated regarding sufficient reliability and quality. Accordingly, the proposed paper presents a method to develop the requirements identification, evaluation and optimization of a present friction coefficient for automated driving functions.
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