29. Aachener Kolloquium Fahrzeug- und Motorentechnik 2020

Der Porsche Taycan – Neue Möglichkeiten des Thermomanagements für die Elektromobilität von Morgen


Marcel Dannowski, Fabian Zeyher, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Weissach, Germany


As electrification has become part of the powertrain, thermal management today plays a key role in the development of efficient and high-performance motor vehicles. In a battery electric vehicle (BEV), new challenges in the temperature control of the highvoltage battery, the powertrain and the passenger cabin have to be considered. The ideal balance between warmth, heating and cooling as well as efficient thermal logistics in the vehicle was the focus during the development of the Taycan. 
Furthermore, the temperature control of other components, such as the on-board charger or the high-voltage booster, as the basis for high performance, good efficiency and long vehicle lifetime, is an issue on the whole vehicle level. Contrary to the classic cooling of internal combustion engines, the new task is now to allocate existing heat flows in the vehicle and to store them in the available thermal masses.

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