32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Automated and Virtual Optimization of Racetrack Simulation Parameters on the Powertrain Test Bench


J. Schilling - Universität Stuttgart/ Porsche AG, J.-M. Wilmsen - Porsche AG, H. Schmidt,
G. Prokop - IAD Dresden, H.-C. Reuss - IFS Stuttgart


This paper focuses on powertrain test benches (PTB) in motorsports applications. In this case, a real powertrain is coupled with a virtual environment on the PTB to emulate mechanical loads experienced during racetrack driving. We utilize a Digital Twin of the PTB (a combination of the PTBs’ virtual environment, a powertrain model and a testbed model) to reduce setup time and allow offline virtual environment parameterization.

The simulation models of the virtual environment may not always provide accurate representations due to unknown parameters or simplifications made to meet real-time requirements. Consequently, there are discrepancies between PTB and vehicle measurements. This paper aims to minimize such differences with a novel parameter optimization method.

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