31. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility
Digitale Zwillinge für nachhaltige Batterieproduktion und -lebenszyklen
J. Abramowski, Fraunhofer IPT
Sustainable mobility concepts are becoming more and more relevant and electric powertrains are being used to a growing extent. This is one of the reasons why the demand for batteries is increasing. To meet the goal of sustainable mobility as a whole, it is necessary to produce and use battery systems and their components also in a sustainable way. On this poster we introduce the concept of a digital twin and how it can increase sustainability in battery cell production, e.g. by automated cause-effect relations, virtual experiments, and extended life-cycle assessment.
Mitglieder des Österreichischen Vereins für Kraftfahrzeugtechnik haben Zugriff auf alle Vorträge der Internationalen Wiener Motorensymposien.