32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Thermal Management Systems for Future Truck Powertrains


R. Lutz, L. Art, M. Jung - MAHLE Behr GmbH & Co. KG


Beside optimized diesel powertrains new powertrain options, such as battery electric or fuel cell electric, will be required to comply with truck CO2 regulations and to reduce the carbon footprint of the transport sector. Each of these powertrain options has special requirements to its cooling system in terms of heat rejection, target temperatures of the components involved and required coolant properties. Therefore, the solution for each powertrain looks different and has its own challenges. This significantly impacts the cooling system layout, the size of the heat exchangers and the fan power required to get the cooling task done.

This paper will describe the cooling requirements for optimized truck diesel, BEV and FCV powertrains and highlight the special challenges and solutions for each of them. Dedicated cooling system layouts will be presented, and the main thermal management components discussed.

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