32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Unlocking the Potential of Future Vehicle Architectures - Challenges and Implications


M. Redhead, A. Busse, I. Olschewski - fka GmbH


The radical transformation currently observed in the automotive industry is most evident within vehicular Electrical/Electronic (E/E) architectures. In previous decades, the vehicle`s E/E architecture has followed a rather evolutionary development path, as have almost all vehicle domains. At the same time, requirements for the E/E architecture have increased extremely as a multitude of new functions have to be implemented into existing architectures. However, there are various indications that continuing an evolutionary development of the established E/E architecture will be extremely difficult and probably insufficient to fulfill upcoming vehicle requirements. As a consequence of the many technological challenges for future E/E architectures, new development and implementation approaches for automotive E/E architectures are currently gaining traction. In this context, it becomes clear that the automotive industry is about to switch to a new E/E paradigm.

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