32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

A comprehensive study on tire operating conditions and tire lateral friction in near-rollover driving conditions for virtual vehicle development


C. Ludwig - TU Dresden, F. Birnbaum - Audi AG, G. Prokop - TU Dresden


This article describes a method for systematizing tire operating conditions in vehicle driving tests and deriving and analyzing representative tire measurements on an outdoor tire test trailer. The aim is to gain objective insights on a phenomenological basis into tire behavior in near-rollover driving conditions. This knowledge forms the foundation for understanding the physical cause-and-effect chain between vehicle dynamic untripped rollover mechanisms and tire properties and characteristics in the future. Tire operating conditions are analyzed in this work during lateral dynamics open-loop maneuvers using two different SUVs equipped with extensive measurement equipment and using five tire specifications. The primary influences on tire operating conditions are the specific maneuver and whether the tires are mounted on the front or rear axle. In near-rollover conditions, the maximum values of roll angle, wheel load, and camber angle are closely related, which is important for the design of the tire measurements.

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