32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Zero-Impact Tailpipe Emission Powertrains


T. Kossioris, R. Maurer, S. Sterlepper, M. Günther, S. Pischinger - TME, RWTH Aachen


Recent legislation and technological concepts for Zero-Impact Tailpipe Emissions (ZITE) are intended to further improve air quality, especially where many people are affected. Extensive research has already been conducted on a variety of technologies that reduce pollutant emissions from road transport below current legal limits. To realize their maximum potential, systems must be designed holistically, taking into account all boundary constraints. In this context, this paper presents ZITE vehicle concepts for a small gasoline-powered passenger car and a diesel-powered light commercial vehicle (LCV). A 2030 pollutant emission standards scenario and a ZITE compliance test matrix are analyzed for the design of the concepts. For a vehicle with a gasoline engine, ZITE requires stoichiometric operation over the entire operating range if a threeway catalyst is employed, a larger relative catalyst size compared to designs commonly used today, and electrical catalyst preheating with a heater disc along with engine power limitation or exhaust gas preheating with a burner in the exhaust system.

To achieve ZITE with a diesel LCV, a larger exhaust aftertreatment system is required than with current twin-SCR concepts. In very low load situations, preheating of the exhaust gases with an electric heater disc or a fuel burner is necessary. For high load scenarios, the vehicle speed must be restricted or the SCR deNOx capacity must beincreased.

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