32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

System & product options to meet Euro 7 heavy-duty PN10 limits under representative in-use operation


D. Rose, A. Mamakos - Corning Gmb, S. Viswanathan, S. He - Corning Inc.


Diesel particulate filters (DPFs) are widely used to reduce particulate mass (PM) and particulate number (PN) emissions in heavy duty (HD) applications. To meet tightening regulations, filtration efficiency (FE) has been improved by optimizing microstructure and cell designs of the ceramic, porous filter body. Recently published Euro-7 HD regulations call for tight PN limits and PN measurement down to 10nm diameter (PN10).

Addition of in-service conformity (ISC) limits will drive the need for a step change in FE across DPF to handle challenging operating conditions with moderately high exhaust temperatures (>320°C). In addition to PN10 generated in-cylinder, design aspects such as duty cycle, regeneration strategy & frequency as well as diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) injection for NOx control could contribute significantly to PN10 emissions. The DPF design needs to factor in the complex interactions between PN10 emissions, DEF & soot filtration, partial regeneration (active and passive) and the dual role of DEF injection strategy, namely NOx control at DPF inlet & DEF PN10 make.

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