32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

How to develop and design a Fuel Cell Stack for Aviation?


D. Weber, J. Letzgus, N. Petersen - Aerostack GmbH


The aviation sector plays a key-role in a sustainable and environment-friendly industry to reduce greenhouse gases and thus counter climate change. Therefore, the European Commission determined climate neutrality by 2050.

In order to reach these imposed goals, the aviation industry is now in need of long-term, disruptive change to business as usual - and hydrogen has emerged as an attractive option. Fuel cells convert energy into electrical power via an electrochemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen shows a three times higher gravimetric energy density than traditional jet fuel and is much superior than lithium-ion batteries making it a good option to fuel large aircraft over long distances. The fuel cell technology emerging from the automotive industry is of high interest for the future aeronautic industry. While these are usually in the powerclass of 100 kW, aircrafts require several MW amounts of power and must operate at different temperatures and pressures, while keeping the system’s safety.

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