32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Sustainable electric powertrain at all levels – a deep dive into the circular economy approach from Bosch


T. Triboulet, M. Schmidt, J. Pleli, F. Schmidt - Robert Bosch GmbH


Climate agreements, legal requirements, and increased environmental awareness among consumers have accelerated the transformation of the automotive industry toward sustainable mobility. Electric vehicles make a strong contribution to this. Battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) in particular are emission-free, highly efficient, and the fastest-growing vehicle segment. According to our Bosch scenarios, battery-electric vehicles will become mainstream in the market by 2030.

For a holistic view in terms of CO₂ emissions and sustainability factors, it is necessary to look at the entire value chain of BEVs. Although BEVs are already more sustainable in operation and production than internal-combustion vehicles, improvements are still needed over the entire life cycle. Bosch is pursuing the vision of being a sustainable company at all levels and announced in 2020 that it is one of the first large industrial companies to achieve CO₂ neutrality in Scope 1 and 2.

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