32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

Vehicle Dynamics in Automated Driving - Subjective Evaluation of Uncertainty in Highly Dynamic Overtaking Situations


J. Pelzer, I. Feger, L. Eckstein, S. Ladwig - ika, RWTH Aachen University, J. Lützow, P. Peltzer, J. Josten - fka GmbH


During automated rides (SAE Level 3-5), the driver becomes a passenger who can use the gained time for non-driving related activities. For this handover of responsibility, a well-calibrated level of trust in the automated driving function is essential. However, the automation’s tactical behavior and the resulting vehicle dynamics can have an influence on the passenger’s trust in automation and can result in different indicators of uncertainty. To exploratively investigate the emergence of uncertainty as a consequence of the automation’s tactical behavior during an overtaking maneuver, a participant study (N = 34) was conducted using a highly dynamic driving simulator. Here, a 2 × 2 within-subject-design with an additional baseline condition was used to systematically vary the independent variables distance to the vehicle in front at the start of the lane change (TTC) and the dynamic of lane change (lateral acceleration). The number of interventions, actions in preparation for a takeover, and gaze behavior as observable indicators of uncertainty were measured.

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