32. Aachen Kolloquium Sustainable Mobility

H2 ICE technologies as key enabler for the decarbonization of the heavy duty sector


N. Rapetto - FPT Industrial S.P.A.


In the ongoing race for Zero-CO2 powertrain solutions, the H2-ICE is gaining increasing interest. Compared to battery or fuel cell electric solutions, the H2-ICE uses existing and optimized production processes.

This article outlines FPT Industrial powertrain layout optimization for various use cases to demonstrate diesel-like transient drivetrain behaviour and power density with hydrogen ICEs while achieving near zero pollutant emission limits.

Abnormal or uncontrolled combustion is a major limiting factor in achieving highest diesel-like performance. Therefore, it is a central task to design a robust combustion system, which is achieved by increasing the required ignition energy (mainly by optimizing the air/fuel mixture composition) and decreasing the provided ignition energy (optimized combustion chamber design). In order to better understand the mechanism and root cause of pre-ignition, an optical spark plug has been used during the test campaign and first results are presented in this paper

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