37th International Vienna Motor Symposium
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology as a Key Element of the Energy Transition
Dipl.- Ing. M. Klietz, Dipl.-Ing. P. Wilde, Dr. oec. publ. A. Kleczka, Dipl.-Ing. A. Rücker, Dr. M. Jung, BMW Group, Munich
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Fortschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 12, Nr. 799
The BMW Group has more than 30 years development experience with hydrogen as energy storage medium and is a leader introducing electric mobility solutions. Increasing renewable electricity production intensifies the disruption of variable generation on the grid. Thus, large temporal and regional electricity supply excesses and shortages arise. Approaches towards equalization of locally exceeding electricity production include: Grid extension, smart grid deployment, incentives for provision of electricity balancing and storage technologies. Power-to-hydrogen is a very promising candidate for such storage capability due to fast dynamics, scalability and ability to decouple power and energy requirements. Particularly for mid to long-term storage of large (MWh to TWh) electricity quantities, hydrogen is a key enabler of a clean energy economy and will provide increasing benefits as a transportation fuel.
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