44th International Vienna Motor Symposium

Fuel Cells for Efficiency and Effectiveness within the Triangle Heavy-Duty Transport, Energy, and Ecology


Prof. Dr. rer.nat. C. Mohrdieck, cellcentric GmbH & Co. KG, Kirchheim Teck/Nabern:



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Emissions and efficiency are important parameters for the analysis and comparative assessment of powertrain technologies for heavy-duty long-haul applications. In most studies the efficiency of the vehicle operation is the main topic. However, for the holistic economic and ecological assessment of a drive train system in terms of energy consumption and emissions, the significant role of effectiveness on vehicle level needs to be considered as well. To meet the climate protection targets and for the optimization of the energy system, the sole focus on vehicle level is not sufficient. Much more, efficiency and effectiveness within the overall system of vehicle operation and energy (fuel) supply (“well-to-wheel”) as well as environment (“life cycle analysis”) need to be analyzed. Efficiency and effectiveness of the use of hydrogen fuel cells in heavy-duty transportation are studied on vehicle, energy system, and environment level. Derived measures to optimize efficiency and effectiveness, which account for the electro-chemical nature of the fuel cell, are subsequently presented. A comparison with biological systems completes the consideration and moreover shows the correlation of effectiveness and redundancy (robustness) - and ultimately resilience.



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